Category: Travel Tips

Travel Etiquette
November 19, 2020May 17, 2021

Travel Etiquette

Travel Etiquette may seem like a no-brainer but you’d be surprised how many times and how many people don’t possess or apply it. While it is tempting to be with the in-crowd and fit in, avoid using slang, terminology, or colloquialisms. This can sometimes come across as offensive or mocking.  Especially, if you’re not using...

Hey Mate – Seatmate That Is
November 5, 2020May 17, 2021

Hey Mate – Seatmate That Is

The seatmate relationship is an interesting one. There are times you know your seatmate. They are either a family member you live with, a family member you don’t live with, a travel companion, or a complete stranger. Even for a family member you live with, the dynamic can change because; there’s something about sitting in...

What Sparked My Wanderlust
October 29, 2020May 17, 2021

What Sparked My Wanderlust

We all have that moment or experience that sparked our wanderlust and gave us the travel bug. Mine was a trip to Germany while in high school. Not only did my high school trip to Germany as an exchange student spark my wanderlust, it shaped my view of traveling. I was 16 and in the...

The Ultimate Travel Checklist
September 25, 2020May 17, 2021

The Ultimate Travel Checklist

Traveling for me is about being efficient, organized and compact. Honestly, I’m not that way in general but, travel forces me to be more organized when I’m on the road. I guess after having many situations when I wished I had been more organized taught me a lesson. Getting organized is simple and as you...

Is Travel Insurance Still Relevant?
July 30, 2020May 17, 2021

Is Travel Insurance Still Relevant?

Wait, What?, The pandemic is not covered? Since COVID19 there’s a big question on the need for Travel Insurance, especially since a pandemic was not a covered reason. Many were left scratching their head and asking the questions, “Why did I buy Travel Insurance?” and “Should I buy it in the future?” To answer the...

Have A Safe Trip
May 22, 2020May 17, 2021

Have A Safe Trip

We have entered into the next phase of our new normal, reopening. This looks different across the country and the world as we’re in different phases. However, one thing is for certain, we’re moving forward and into new territories – so to speak, and that includes travel, be it necessary or personal. This new normal...

Feeding Your Wanderlust
March 27, 2020May 17, 2021

Feeding Your Wanderlust

There are many things we can do during this travel hiatus to stay motivated about travel or to just feed our wanderlust while we’re sheltering in place. The times we live in provide us with a wealth of information and experiences at our fingertips. Take it to the kitchen Was there a place you planned...

Germiest Place
March 13, 2020May 17, 2021

Germiest Place

With the Covid19 (coronavirus) we have to practice better hygiene to protect ourselves and others. These are practices we should be doing anyway but, I’ll reserve my judgment for another time. In addition to better hygiene and understanding that others might not have the same habits and/or practices, we have to further our mission and...

It’s Cold & Flu Season Y’all
February 28, 2020May 17, 2021

It’s Cold & Flu Season Y’all

In the sea of constant media coverage of the Coronavirus, let’s not forget that it is the Cold and Flu Season This means it’s naturally a time to be diligent about protecting yourself against germs, virus and other illnesses. And before you say to yourself, it’s better to stay home, remember illnesses can be lurking...

Winter Weather Travel Woes
January 23, 2020May 17, 2021

Winter Weather Travel Woes

Winter weather can bring about flight delays and cancellations. When that happens, do you know your flyers rights? Yes, you do have flyers rights. While the airlines are not responsible for an act of god, if a flight is canceled you’re still entitled to a refund for that flight. The airline will of course, offer...