Stretches Before, During & After A Long Flight

Stretches Before, During & After A Long Flight

Flights, especially long ones can be taxing on our bodies. Sitting for long periods of time can cause cramping, tired leg syndrome, backaches, and worst-case scenario, blood clots that can be fatal.

The first rule of thumb is to stay hydrated with water and electrolytes. Secondly, you can do some stretches before, during, and after your flight to promote much-needed circulation and overall muscle relief.

Some great Pre and Post Flight stretches:


It’s a classic yoga position that stretches your calves, hamstrings and back. It’s the position that you often see dogs in when they stretch with their paws planted on the floor and their butts in the air.

To do: Begin on your hands and knees, straighten your elbows, spread your fingers wide and press firmly through your palms, upon exhale, tuck your toes and lift your knees off the floor, straighten your legs as you lift through your pelvis. Try to lower your heels to the floor for a deeper stretch.


This is a great full-body stretch that’s great before and after traveling.

To do: Start standing with your feet hip-width apart. Bend forward keeping your back flat to touch the ground. Start walking (inching) yourself out into a plank position. From plank, walk or inch your feet to your hands. Repeat this inchworm movement several times.

In-Flight stretches :

These are a little tricky because of limited space and respect to your fellow travelers. Yeah, don’t be that person taking up more than your own personal space.


Straighten and lift your legs parallel to the floor. While in this position, point and flex your toes. The second movement starts in the same position but this time you’ll circle your feet at your ankles. Circle to the right and then to the left.


Woman in upavistha parivrttasana asana yoga position. Body positive plus size african american girl twists arms and legs in tropics. Female in harmony with herself, mental, body health. Vector flat

This is stretch is really good for your back which can experience great discomfort on a long flight. It helps improve circulation in your lower back, spine, and sides and relieves tightness.

To do: Firmly plant your feet on the ground. Place your right hand on your outer left thigh or knee and twist at your waist while looking over your left shoulder. You’ll do the same on the opposite side. Hold the position for 15 – 30 seconds. it will be a little odd because you’ll face your seatmate to the right and to the left. You can either ask them to join you or do it when they get up.

If you want a total body awakening after a long flight, Sun Salutation is a great series of yoga poses done in a sequence to create flow. The Sun Salutation series lengthens, stretches, promotes flexibility, and works for many muscle groups. It can be repeated several times. If you’ve never done it before, start slow and do what you can. Keep at it and before you know it, you’ll accomplish it with ease.

These exercises can be done at home and are of great benefit for people who sit for long periods of time as well.

Yours truly,

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