
When we need rest or time off we think we can only accomplish that with a lot of time or money. The result of this thinking is it never happens! Using the same principle as napping a mini sabbatical or just one day off can give you much needed rejuvenation. Choose a place within driving distance to cut the time, cost and stress of travel. Downtown areas are great because hotels that normally cater to business travelers during the week often have great weekend specials & they have all the creature comforts at your disposal. Another choice could be a local bed and breakfast. They’re small, charming and are usually in quiet neighborhoods. Find a nice quiet place in your town to spend some time, like a botanical garden or labryinth. Remember the purpose of your mini-sabbatical and cut off the cell phone, leave the laptop behind and put out the DO NOT DISTURB message. No matter how you spend it a mini sabbatical can give you that much needed boost or rest you’re looking for.

Ja’Vonne Harley
Co-Host, The Traveling Eye

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