Hello Fellow World Travelers,

The Traveling Eye with Bonnie DeShong and Ja’Vonne Harley airs every Sunday from 4-5pm Central time on The Talk of Chicago 1690 WVON and online @ http://www.wvon.com/. We bring you travel news, the how to’s of travel and destination highlights.

This Sunday, July 20th The Traveling Eye Explores China! China is forever linked to its ancient civilization and many of the worlds most revered treasures. Today one can also find spectacular architecture and towering skylines, the 2008 Summer Olympics and a wealth of luxury accommodations. Learn more about this fascinating destination and how to join us on an upcoming trip to China! https://www.advantage-intl.com/Explore_And_Shop_China_2008_Cover.htm or call Advantage International 1-877-238-6843

Our newest feature WHAT’S IN YOUR CARRY ON?, brought to you by Levy Home Entertainment, the nations premier book distributor, features a great summer read, Can I get a Witness by ReShonda Tate Billingsley. After all, a good book is a great companion to have while traveling. Tune in to hear about the author and this great summer read.

Can I Get A Witness? opens with Judge Vanessa Kirk presiding over yet another divorce in one of Houston’s most notorious divorce courts. Vanessa is quick to end the couple’s marriage, as she’s done countless others, but when she chooses to work late on the night of her five-year wedding anniversary, Vanessa’s husband lets her know he’s had enough.Thinking he’s overreacting, she visits him at his hotel the next night and discovers him with his mistress, Alana. Thomas then drops the bombshell that Alana is pregnant and he’s leaving to be with her since she’s giving him the child he so desperately wants.Before the couple can divorce, their judge (and Vanessa’s colleague whom she’s clashed with more than once) orders Vanessa and Thomas to attend a two-week spiritual retreat together. Time and counseling can do nothing to save this marriage, though, so Vanessa ultimately gets her divorce and everything she thought she wanted. In the end though, when loneliness and bitterness get the best of her, she must look to God to find peace in her life.Packed with fascinating characters, drama and scandal, Can I Get A Witness? is an emotional thrill-ride that will keep readers hooked to the end.

Kmart in Homewood has launched a summer reading series with exciting authors. Come meet ReShonda Tate Billingsley, author of Can I get a Witness on Thursday, July 24th at 6:30 p.m. at the Homewood K-Mart located on 17550 S. Halsted.

Visit http://www.novelevents.com/ for more information.

For Travel and Leisure’s 11 top Caribbean picks http://www.travelandleisure.com/the-ultimate-caribbean/

Email us questions, comments and future show ideas thetravelingeye@aol.com
Visit our website for upcoming shows http://www.thetravelingeye.com/

Tune in to The Traveling Eye!
Sundays from 4-5pm on 1690 WVON or http://www.wvon.com/!

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